This is crystallized as soon as you arrive on Nar Shaddaa for the first time. As a result while Knights of the Old Republic is this master class in narrative design and applying the correct amount of pressure at the correct time, the sequel just ends up being this mass of cool ideas assembled into a crude presentation of a game. It's been out for a few years, but the work continues this editorial is making its judgments based on KOTOR 2 running with that mod. Skip the next paragraph if you don't want to know! In theory this was probably a good call even though you don’t actually pick up any new companions here. This whole sequence is an allegory for what it is like to play Knights of the Old Republic II.

KOTOR 1 is about a galactic war you're trying to end, and KOTOR 2 doesn't even have a war. The Exile was the only one of Revan's Jedi to return to the fold after the war with the Mandalorians instead of running off with Revan and his mutineer forces, but she was immediately cast out by the Jedi Council.

Learn how your comment data is processed. Making it even worse is the fact that the character that serves as the narrator for the game… often draws parallels between the two of you. Radio Public and that the community mod was released for unfinished stuff ie. The Republic won, and then Revan disappeared into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy with a sizable portion of the Republic fleet. Given that you were the only Jedi to do so… they were not really certain what to do with you and as such Exiled you. Sure there are gaps, but the stakes and concepts here are so much larger than the first. It's a practical philosophy, one that can be supported by our reality.

The Jedi Civil War was given its name at this point by virtue of the regular folks of the galaxy not knowing the difference between Jedi and Sith to normies they're all just dangerous, strange magic-wielders, and so few citizens of the galaxy are batting an eye at the lack of any of them wandering the streets these days.